Black American Muslim group says that MCPS discriminated against teachers who showed support for Palestinians.

The Black American Muslim community has expressed concern over alleged discrimination against teachers who showed support for Palestinians in the Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) system. According to reports, several teachers who publicly showed support for Palestine during the recent conflict in the region were targeted by MCPS officials, leading to disciplinary action and even termination in some cases.

This has sparked outrage among the Black American Muslim community, who claim that the MCPS has violated the teachers’ right to freedom of expression and is perpetuating a culture of discrimination against Muslim and Palestinian individuals. The issue has gained huge attention in the local media, with many calling for an investigation into the MCPS’s policies and practices regarding freedom of expression and equal treatment of all employees, and also the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against MCPS and this reporting field on behalf of Hajur EI-Haggan she is a teacher at Argyle Middle School in Silver Spring.

As per the news, all this happened because Hajur EL-Haggan was put on administrative leave because her email signature tagline expressed support for Palestinians.

According to some reports, to support Hajur EI-Haggann more than 30 people gathered near the Montgomery Country Public School Board of Education in Rockville Friday morning.

CAIR attorney Rawda Fawaz said about all this “We want our teachers to be in a position where any police that the country decides to enforce equally or they are allowed to talk, to mediate, “Ms. EL-Haggan was treated extremely differently from her fellow teachers for engaging in conduct that they also engaged in. This is a clear example of discrimination of disparate treatment and that’s at the core of our filing.”

EL-Haggan also said “I am just desperate to get back into the classroom with my students. As a teacher, that’s all any educator wants to do is just to be with her students. I miss my coworkers and I miss the kids.


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