Using smartphones for over 4 hours a day is linked to high-stress

Research studies have shown that individuals who use smartphones for more than 4 hours a day are at a higher risk of experiencing high levels of stress. This can be due to constant notifications, emails, messages, and social media updates which can lead to information overload and feeling overwhelmed. Furthermore, prolonged use of smartphones can also affect sleep patterns, leading to a lack of restful sleep which can contribute to stress and anxiety levels. Therefore, it is important to limit smartphone usage and take regular breaks to reduce stress levels and maintain good mental health.

Smartphones have become so ingrained in our lives that working without them has become challenging. However, more of anything is required. According to a study, teens who use smartphones for more than four hours per day may be at higher risk of adverse mental health and substance abuse.

Prior research has shown that smartphone use has increased among teens in recent years and that use may be associated with a higher risk of adverse health conditions – such as psychological disorders, sleep problems, eye-related problems, and musculoskeletal disorders.

To delve deeper into the relationship between smartphone use and health by teens, the team from Hanyang University Medical Center in Korea analyzed data from more than 50,000 teen participants.

The data included the estimated number of daily hours each participant spent on smartphones, as well as various health measures.

Propensity score matching was used to help take into account other factors associated with health outcomes, such as age, sex, and socioeconomic status, in the statistical analysis.

Teens who used smartphones for more than four hours per day had higher rates of stress, suicidal thoughts, and substance abuse than those who used smartphones less than four hours per day.

However, according to findings published in the open-access journal PLOS One, teens who use smartphones one to two hours a day face fewer problems than teens who don’t use smartphones at all.

Nonetheless, the findings may help inform use guidelines for teens – especially if daily use continues to increase.

These results can help establish smart device use guidelines and education programs for appropriate media use.


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